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Showing posts with label eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eating. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 July 2023

Papaya Tongue-Strengthening Exercises


Papaya Tongue-Strengthening Exercises

In the future, the new treatment method for malignant tumors is no longer chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery, but changing one's diet to improve the new blood vessels!

Great medical knowledge! A high-quality diet is the natural chemotherapy three times a day. The following information should be taken seriously, it is simple and easy to implement, and it is very good!

‭‭ What you may not know is: Papaya, which we usually find strange and easy to obtain, is the king of fruits! The tomato that the doctor praised was nothing compared to papaya. Papaya has been selected by WHO (World Health Organization) as the fruit with the highest nutritional value for two consecutive years, that is, the king of fruits!

The nutritional value of papaya is:

1. Calcium: papaya is 2 times that of apples.

2. Vitamin C: papaya is 13 times that of apples, 7 times that of bananas, 7 times that of watermelon, 8 times that of cherries, and 1.3 times that of pineapples.

3. Vitamin A: papaya is 10 times that of kiwi, 18 times that of apple, 1.5 times that of guava, 15 times that of banana, 1.5 times that of watermelon, 15 times that of cherries, and 16 times that of pineapple.

4. Vitamin K: papaya is 5 times that of bananas, 2.5 times that of watermelon, and 4 times that of pineapples.

Great again! related to eye protection...

5. Carotenoids, lycopene, B carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, etc.: Papaya is 2000 times bigger than kiwi! Kiwis, apples, cherries, pineapples, bananas, guava, none of these ingredients.

Great! The above data source is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2016. —————————


[Note] I have been suffering from cancer for 16 years. I have undergone chemotherapy. Some doctors told me to eat more papayas. The heart of gratitude is indescribable, I just hope that more people can benefit from it!

When you go to visit in the future, if you choose fruit as a gift, you can bring papaya!

According to a Doctor from US: After the age of 50 one may experience many types of illnesses. But the one I am most worried about is Alzheimer's.

Not only would I not be able to look after myself, but it would cause a lot of inconveinence to family member

One day, my son Sushil came home and told me that a doctor friend has taught him an exercise using the tongue.

The tongue exercise is effective to reduce the onset of Alzheimer's and is also useful to reduce / improve

*1* Body weight

*2* Hypertension

*3* Blood-Clot in Brain

*4* Asthma

*5* Far-sightedness

*6* Ear buzzing

*7* Throat infection

*8* Shoulder / Neck infection

*9* Insomia

The moves are very simple and easy to learn

Each morning, when you wash your face, in front of a mirror, do the exercise as below :

stretch out your tongue and move it to the right then to the left for 10 times

Since I started exercising my tongue daily, there was improvement in my Brain Retention.

My mind was clear and fresh and there were other improvements too...

1 Far sightedness

2 No giddiness

3. Improved wellness

4. Better digestion

5. Lesser flu / cold

I am stronger and more agile. 

The tongue exercise helps to control and prevent Alzheimer's... Medical research has found that the tongue has connection with the BIG Brain. When our body becomes old and weak, the first sign to appear is that our tongue becomes stiff and often we tend to bite ourselves.

Frequently exercising your tongue will stimulate the brain, help to reduce our thoughts from shrinking and thus achieve a healthier body.

Senior Citizens Please forward ⏯️

I encourage each person receiving this newsletter to forward it to another ten people, certainly at least one life will be saved. I've done my part, I hope you can help do your part. thanks 🙏

Can Doing This Tongue Exercise Help Prevent Alzheimer's?


Soft palate and tongue exercises


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Eating Papaya On Empty Stomach: 10 Health Benefits ...

Fact Check: Post claiming tongue exercise cures ..

World Health Organization refutes claim it endorsed ...


Know the many healing properties of papaya, from ... PAPAYA and TONGUE EXERCISE from

Friday, 31 March 2023

AVOID SUGAR 不吃糖與碳水兩週,臉,眼睛心臟等9種變化!柏格醫生 Dr Berg; I was WRONG about COFFEE_



0:00 簡介:不吃糖會發生什麼事? 0:10 #1 臉和腹部會改變 0:52 #2 改善眼睛、大腦、動脈和腎臟 4:19 #3 減少夜間排尿 5:00 #4 更多能量 6:35 #5 兩餐之間進食的渴望消失 8:57 #6 減少僵硬、疼痛和炎症 9:57 #7 你會減肥 11:32 #8 皮膚更好 11:50 #9 改善胰島素阻抗 柏格醫生 dr berg 談戒糖所產生的身體變化: 1. 臉部和腹部的變化 2. 改善眼睛、大腦、動脈和腎臟 3. 夜間排尿減少 4. 更有能量、 活力 5. 兩餐之間進食的渴望消失 6. 減少僵硬、疼痛和炎症 7. 減肥 8. 更好的皮膚 9. 改善胰島素阻抗 吃動物的飽和脂肪12大好處,柏格醫生: ▶️    • 吃動物的飽和脂肪12大好處,柏格醫...   data: Changing how we see saturated fat — Diet Doctor Saturated fat DOESN'T cause Diabetes - YouTube 糖對紅血球的破壞,讓你不敢再吃糖!柏格醫生 Dr Berg: ▶️    • 糖對紅血球的破壞,讓你不敢再吃糖!...   吃太多糖7個警訊,預防糖尿病: ▶️    • 吃太多糖7個警訊,預防糖尿病,柏格...   🌹台灣柏格醫生產品 柏格醫生中文 健康知識: 生酮飲食入門(中文):   • (生酮入門1)生酮飲食加斷食, 燃...   第2步,吃的內容(中文):   • (生酮入門2), 第二步生酮飲食,...   斷食的方法(中文):    • (生酮入門1)生酮飲食加斷食, 燃...   斷食的體內變化(中文) :    • 斷食6.斷食體內變化:抗衰老、自噬...   柏格醫生臉書(中文):柏格醫生中文-健康知識-... 艾瑞克柏格(Dr Eric Berg)醫生介紹: 56歲,脊椎醫生, 他是弗吉尼亞州、加利福尼亞州和路易斯安那州的3州脊椎科醫生,執照一直維持有效。他是全球知名的健康生酮飲食和斷食專家,也是《新體型指南》和KB Publishing出版書作者。 他曾在霍華德大學(Howard University)擔任兼職教授,教授學生營養學。 近年忙碌於媒體教育,他無暇親自看病人。 柏格醫生商店: 聯繫柏格團隊 關於柏格醫生: 免責聲明: 柏格醫生(Dr Eric Berg)1988年從帕爾默脊骨學院(Palmer College of Chiropractic )獲得脊骨醫學學位。 「Doctor」 或「DR」, 醫生僅指那個學位。 柏格醫生視頻僅供參考,不應用於自我診斷,也不能替代醫學檢查、治癒、治療、診斷、處方或建議。 本視頻不會在柏格醫生和觀眾之間建立醫患關係。 在您先諮詢醫生並獲得醫學檢查、診斷和建議之前,您不應該對健康習慣或飲食進行任何更改。 如果您醫療狀況有任何疑問,請務必諮詢醫生或其他合格的醫療服務提供者。 您從本視頻或網站得到的建議、治療過程、診斷或任何其他信息、服務或產品等,The Health&Wellness、Berg Nutritionals公司和艾瑞克柏格醫生概不負法律責任。 #不吃糖 #柏格醫生 #臉浮腫 #減肥 #脂肪 #胰島素阻抗 #燃燒脂肪 #生酮飲食 #間歇性斷食 #斷食 #柏格醫生中文 #胰島素 #肝功能 #新陳代謝 #膽結石 #腎結石 #腹部減肥 #糖尿病 #高血糖 #自然療法 #養生 #無糖 #低碳水 #高脂肪 #低脂肪 #代謝緩慢 #快速減肥 #健康減肥 #腹部脂肪 #高血壓 #高膽固醇 #膽固醇 #肝硬化 #脂肪肝 #生酮食譜 #甲狀腺 #更年期 #碳水化合物


I was WRONG about COFFEE_ 




Sore Knees? Do This Once Daily...

Boston MD: "Bad Knees? Do This Once Daily For Fast Relief (It Takes Less Than 30 Seconds And You Can Do It Right At Home)..." Boston, Massachusetts:

Boston, Massachusetts:
March 25, 2023

How do some folks stay active well into their 70's, 80's, and even 90's... enjoying all kinds of activities like hiking, gardening, and golfing...

...while others find themselves hobbling down stairs... or needing to rock back and forth just to get out of a chair?

Well, according to a new breakthrough discovery by Harvard University, scientists now know it comes down to a single mistake...

A mistake, that... when avoided, not only reverses joint discomfort and everyday aches... but can actually make joints healthier than they've been in years.

And here's the best part: avoiding this mistake is easy. There's just one problem...

Doing this defies common sense. In fact, it's so counterintuitive, a recent survey found that up to 77% of folks with sore joints are making this mistake every day because they think it's helping. When, in fact, it does just the opposite.

That's why when they stop making this mistake, their recovery can be quite dramatic.

To date, more than 180,547 people have tried this with life-changing results...

Ordinary folks who were once couch-bound are now walking a few miles per day again...

Others have resumed exercise classes they were once forced to give up.

And some have even started long-distance jogging after decades of sitting on the sidelines...

A Boston medical doctor recently recorded a short presentation which shows you this #1 mistake and why you should avoid it at all costs. His video quickly went viral, racking up more than seven million views. And thousands of folks around the country are singing the praises of this method across social media.

Karen Potter from Tremont, Pennsylvania said, "I can hardly believe it. I have been able to start back walking daily and I have not been able to do that in months and months."

Kay Gilbert from Athens, Alabama wrote, "I'm 73 and feel like running all over the place again. My kids say I outwalk them in Walmart."

And Robert Henninge from Castle Rock, Colorado exclaimed, "Back to walking the dog and hiking... 81 years old."

Now, what about you? Could your joints use some relief? How would you like to take back control of your life?

If so, click here to learn more about this mistake and put an end to those everyday aches stopping you from living your best life.


Thursday, 19 January 2023

Here's a diet to help you live a long life


The sooner one starts eating healthy, the better, but research shows that even making the appropriate dietary changes in one’s 80s can lead to a longer life. — dpa


Humans have sought the fountain of youth and long life for millennia.

For longevity at least, scientists think they’ve found a potent intervention: proper nutrition, which, in contrast to our genetic makeup and certain living conditions, is alterable.

And it appears that not only what and how much we eat is important, but also when.

In an article published in the journal Cell, gerontologists Professor Dr Valter Longo and Dr Rozalyn Anderson examine hundreds of ageing and nutrition studies on simple organisms, laboratory animals and humans, and combine them with their own studies to come up with a “longevity diet”.

Lovers of calorie bombs such as burgers, chips and cola, or comfort foods like white chocolate, will be disappointed.

The two experts link limited calorie intake and periodic fasting to a lower disease risk and longer life expectancy.

Their longevity diet calls for 45%-60% of calories from non-refined complex carbohydrates, 10%-15% from mostly plant-based proteins, and 25%-35% from mostly plant-based fats.

Translated into practical terms, this means: “Lots of legumes, whole grains and vegetables; some fish; no red meat or processed meat and very little white meat; low sugar and refined grains; good levels of nuts and olive oil, and some dark chocolate,” says Prof Longo.

While meat lovers may turn their noses up at the sound of the diet, his recommended “recipes for longevity” include couscous with mixed fish, tomatoes, almonds and garlic; Tuscan bread salad; and pasta with eggplant and tomato sauce topped with ricotta salata, which hardly sound unpalatable.

The longevity diet also calls for restricting eating to an 11-12 hour timeframe daily and a few yearly cycles of five-day fasting-mimicking diets – a low-calorie meal plan developed at the Longevity Institute that’s formulated to simulate the body’s fasting state.

Must be adapted

Prof Longo and Dr Anderson emphasise that their longevity diet should be adapted to individuals based on sex, age, lifestyle, health status and genetics,

This is as no diet is equally suited, say, to a physically fit 20-year-old and a 60-year-old with a metabolic disorder.

People over age 65 may need to increase protein intake to prevent frailty and diseases resulting from reduced bone or muscle mass, or low blood cell counts, they write.

According to German Institute of Human Nutrition Department of Nutrition and Gerontology head Dr Kristina Norman, modifications of this kind are very important.

“It’s often difficult in old age to ingest sufficient protein, too little of which can cause muscle loss and increase the risk of falling and breaking a bone.

“Eating somewhat more meat than generally recommended can therefore be advisable.”

She sees many parallels in the proposed diet with familiar dietary recommendations, e.g. those of the German Nutrition Society (DGE), as well as an eating plan aimed at healthy – and environmentally responsible – nutrition proposed by scientists some time ago.

“Contrary to popular belief, recommendations on healthy eating don’t change every few years – for the most part, they’re highly stable,” she notes.

“The Longo study can be regarded as old hat, but the matter has been reassessed and backed by stronger evidence.”

Never too late

In the view of Dr Bernhard Watzl, former head of Hamburg-based Max Rubner Institute’s Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Nutrition, which advises Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on consumer health protection in the nutrition sector, the overarching finding in the Cell review is that the quantity and quality of nutrition are key to long life.

“It’s better to consume too few calories than too many,” he says, adding that “The more demands that are placed on a system, the greater the wear it’s subjected to.”

So it’s important, he says, to keep demands at low levels.

As regards fasting, Dr Watzl is less convinced by the available data than Prof Longo and Dr Anderson are.

“Fasting is only for people unable to limit their calorie intake,” he says.

In such people, temporary abstinence from food can help to resensitise certain receptors in the body.

While he stresses it’s never too late in life to start eating healthily, Dr Watzl says sooner is better than later when it comes to preventing diseases that develop gradually over decades.

Prof Longo cited a Norwegian study that found even 60- to 80-year-olds gained several years in life expectancy when they followed many of the recommendations that are also part of the longevity diet.

The biggest gains, according to the study, came from eating more legumes, whole grains and nuts, and less red and processed meat.

Dr Watzl sees the dietary trend towards more wholemeal bread and muesli positively, but says “too much cheese or sliced sausage is often put on the bread – or white bread is eaten.”

He’s also critical of heavily-processed foods, not only because of the additives, but also the quick nutrient availability, which he says overtaxes metabolism.

ALSO READ: Ultra-processed foods are bad for your mind, heart and life

To optimise their longevity diet, Prof Longo and Dr Anderson advise personalising it in consultation with a nutrition specialist.

They also recommend focusing on smaller, more tolerable changes, rather than large ones that cause major weight loss followed – when the diet is abandoned – by a rapid “yo-yo-like” regain of fat.

“We propose that the longevity diet would be a valuable complement to standard healthcare and that, taken as a preventative measure, it could aid in avoiding morbidity, sustaining health into advanced age,” they write. – By Gisela Gross/dpa 

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