GEORGE TOWN: A Penang Island City councillor has joined hands with the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) and other non-governmental organisations in protesting the council’s decision to transplant 18 trees for its road widening project along Jalan Masjid Negeri here.
Councillor Dr Lim Mah Hui said the island’s road widening projects to ease traffic jams were a futile effort as they were not for the long term.
“We have enough evidence to show that road widening is not a permanent solution for heavy traffic.
“Instead, it will only increase the number of vehicles on the road,” he said when met during a peaceful demonstration by CAP in Jalan Masjid Negeri yesterday.
Dr Mah said besides transplanting trees, the council and state government should think of other ways such as carpooling to ease traffic.
“The public has to deal with heavy traffic during peak hours and public holidays.”
Earlier, CAP members held a demonstration to show their objection to the 1.8km road widening project along Jalan Masjid Negeri.
Its president S.M. Mohamed Idris hugged a tree to show his disapproval.
“People and trees are being relocated and environment is being destroyed in the name of development.
“I am extremely upset that consideration is given to vehicles at the expense of trees,” he told the reporters.
Mohamed Idris said this was unacceptable and he described the decision as pure madness.
“The fast pace development in the state is destroying Penang’s natural charm.
“With the greenery being replaced by concrete, Penang will soon become an unliveable place,” he said.
He added that the people should come together to oppose this action as there was a dire need to preserve the island’s tree-lined roads.
It was reported on Feb 6 that 18 trees would be affected along the Jalan Scotland-bound stretch, starting from Lorong Batu Lanchang-Jalan Masjid Negeri junction to the Jalan Air Itam-Jalan Masjid Negeri junction in its 1.8km road widening project along Jalan Masjid Negeri.
There are 33 trees lining the left side of the road where the current two-lane roadway will be increased to three lanes to cope with the heavy traffic flow, but the council managed to reduce the amount of trees affected to 18.
The project is scheduled for completion in May next year.
- Logeiswary Thevadassa and Reena Hod The Star/Asia News Network
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