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Wednesday 2 October 2024

The Economics of The Halal Scam, A Blockbuster By Sam The CEO.


The following is written by my friend Sam The CEO or Sam The Oilman.

Sunday Sermon: The Economics of The Halal Scam. 

Or How to Make the Clerical and Political Class Rich on the Backs of Muslims and Make Them Poorer

My thesis: The halal concept is a bureaucratic structure made up by the clerical class initially for political power. And like any creation of political power, it was not long before it became a set of regulatory rules that induces payment, i.e. corruption, in order for the ordinary citizen to exist or make an honest living.

Think about this:

1. It creates additional cost for compliance

2. The product is actually still the same but costs more to obtain Halal approval and/or certification

There is ZERO innovation or new products created that provide either a game-changing technology or societal progress for society. 

It is just extra costs for the same damn thing which such extra costs goes into the pockets of the powers that be and their cronies to line-up their pockets. That includes the civil service authorities that are employed at the expense of tax-payers with no productive value. 

Repeat after me:   ZERO PRODUCTIVE VALUE

The Quran never asks Muslims to set up Halal certification. You only need to assess for yourself to your own confidence whether it is halal or otherwise. There is no compulsion on you or others for halal certification. It is your call. It is FOC.

But Halal certification makes money. And in our modern economics, halal certification controls whole industries and prints money for those with the power to create and maintain such systems. And muslims become poorer for it.

The Halal Banking Scam

Don't just think about food. Take the banking and investment sector. Money is money. The source of money is the same. It flows through various industries the way water meander through rivers, oceans, up to the clouds and rain back down to earth in a cycle. There is no halal water. There is no halal money. There is only money.

None of the loan you take on syariah terms makes any sense.
They still charge you interest. They just don't call it interest. The Quran forbade "usury" i.e. "making obscene profits" not interest. Instead today, any cursory review shows that syariah-compliant loans often have effectively usurious interest rates compared to non-syariah loans. But why not? Because:

1. You have now entrapped muslims into a system where they think this is the only choice for the islamic ethical system of "halal" - so charge more for this monopoly. You now can funnel muslim money based on this "ethical" conundrum.

(ps. BlackRock invented its halal investment: ESG. And they have their own halal/ESG certification ratings body)

2. Just for this certification, it will naturally cost more because the money is from the same banking system but with the halal system adding another layer of costs.

This is basically re-badging a product. Import the car from China and put the Pr*t*n logo on it and call it Halal. Charge 'em more. 


1. The Halal System is maintained to make money for the political and clerical/authority class and their cronies. Nothing more, nothing less. But the clerics can make people stupid and don't think. So what else are we going to do? S*d*mise them as much as you can.

2. A society that is this dumb, wastes time and money on unproductive economic activities - making this and that halal, having it certified halal. None of which creates anything new. There is no innovation, creativity or even productivity. It is in fact counter-productive. It is a net negative economic sector for the population as a whole. If there is innovation - it is the innovation the way scammers innovate to scam their victims. That's about it.

Such a society cannot evolve to be a civilised and progressive society because its economic focus is on a negative productivity sector with no industrial innovation and the money goes down the drain of corruption.

There is a lesson to be learnt here somewhere. If only we think. 

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Global Ikhwan Service and Business Holding (GISB) When the long arm of the law seems too short

Exterior view of Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISBH) headquarters in Rawang on Sept 12, 2024. - (Photo by FAZRY ISMAIL / EPA)

Global Ikhwan Service and Business Holdings (GISB), a company embroiled in controversy recently over the exploitation of children in 20 charity homes, was originally founded by the banned Al-Arqam leader, Ashaari Muhammad, under the name Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd.

According to GISBH Holdings' 2024 corporate video on the company’s website, after Ashaari’s death in 2010, GISBH was led by two former executive chairpersons, Hatijah Aam who was Ashaari's wife and Datuk Mohd Rasidi Abdullah.

Currently, GISBH is headed by Datuk Nasiruddin Mohd Ali, who served as both executive chairman and chief executive officer.

Based on the website, the company was established to promote an Islamic way of life in all aspects, including education, arts, culture and agriculture.

At present, GISBH operates 415 business networks in 20 countries, including Britain, the UAE and France.

GISBH employed 5,346 people across 25 of its subsidiaries, with key assets such as restaurants in London, Paris, Istanbul, Dubai and Makkah; accommodations in Turkey; a hotel in Sarajevo; and a 48-hectare farm in Perth, Australia.

"There are 1,656 families within GISBH and its business network, 425 of which are polygamous families," according to the corporate video.

- SinarDsily.

With every revelation related to Gisb, more questions emerge.

WE should all be shocked, angry and, yes, absolutely disgusted, which was how Federal Police Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain felt regarding the investigation into Global Ikhwan Service and Business Holding (GISB).

“All I can say is... In this case, I am disgusted by the findings (of the investigation),” he told the press. This was in the early days following the police’s Sept 11 raid of 20 GISB-RUN charity houses in Selangor and Negri Sembilan. A total of 402 children aged between one and 17 years were rescued, and 171 individuals were arrested.

While Shuhaily declined to explain his feelings of disgust, the nation soon knew the reason: Many of the children in those homes were subjected to horrific treatment and exploitation.

By Monday, the number had risen to 572 children rescued from GISB care homes, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, who added that the authorities had opened 80 investigation papers against the company and 359 individuals associated with the company had been detained in connection with the ongoing investigation.

This is unfortunately shaping up to be Malaysia’s worst child abuse scandal. But possibly, the most shocking revelation is that the children are not orphans but third or fourth-generation offspring of GISB members, who are estimated to number about 10,000.

Inspector-general of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Razarudin Husain disclosed that the children were separated from their parents from as young as two years old and spent their formative years entirely in these homes.

The public also got to know that GISB goes back to the outlawed organisation Al-arqam. Older Malaysians will recall how Ashaari Muhammad, the founder, was arrested and Al-arqam banned in 1994 for deviant teachings. But the movement did not die out, with the remnant followers keeping Ashaari’s ideology and business activities alive by setting up Rufaqa Corporation.

When the government went after Rufaqa for trying to revive Al-arqam, it morphed into GISB, which was established by Khadijah Aam, Ashaari’s widow, before his death in 2010.

According to reports, GISB positions itself as a bumiputra-muslim-run business with assets worth Rm325mil and an annual revenue of Rm187mil, and numerous supermarkets, bakeries, pharmacies, factories and restaurants in Malaysia and 20 other countries.

The Malaysian Reserve reported that it even has accommodations in Turkiye, a hotel in Sarajevo, Bosnia-herzegovina, and a 120acre estate in Perth, Australia. It has more than 5,300 employees under its 25 subsidiaries.

Just how this group could flourish under the guise of another name in the last 15 years or so is simply mind-boggling. Understandably, people and civil groups like G25 are asking why action was only taken now when Razarudin said police had been investigating 41 police reports over the allegations since 2011. Not only that, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) was also aware of the issues surrounding GISB since 2019.

By way of explareligion,nation, the IGP said it could only make the arrests after receiving “credible evidence” while Jakim director-general Datin Hakimah Mohd Yusoff claimed action was taken against the company since February 2019 in the form of 12 meetings, workshops, special task forces and collaborations with national security agencies such as the National Security Council, Home Ministry, and police. Go figure.

As for the credible evidence, was it supplied by the Malaysia Centre for the Study of Heresy (Pukas) when it revealed GISB’S alleged deviant activities on its Facebook page?

Whenever illegal and immoral activities are done behind a veil of religiosity, the authorities will understandably want to tread carefully. But 13 years of investigation is jaw-droppingly slow.

If Jakim had pushed for real action five years ago, how many of the 572 children could have been spared the inhumane treatment and indoctrination they went through? At least one teacher has pleaded guilty to four charges of abusing three boys and was sentenced to 10 years’ jail by the Klang Sessions Court. Police said these children are

nd third or even fourth-generation offspring, which shows how long this has been going on and how tightly controlled GISB members are.

While the children have been rescued, they may face further problems with their status. According to press reports quoting Syariah Lawyers Association of Malaysia president Musa Awang, they could face the risk of being declared anak wati’ syubhah (children born from illegitimate intercourse) under syariah law if the parents cannot prove their marital status.

Weeks after the police raids on the homes, none of the parents of the rescued children had come forward to claim their children, Razarudin said, because to do so would expose their facade of presenting the charity homes as orphanages to solicit donations.

Surely it can’t get uglier than this – parents denying or abandoning their children to save their own hides. Will the authorities resort to DNA tests then to match children and parents?

What has also emerged from this scandal is the claim and counterclaim between agencies. On Sept 25, Razarudin had asserted that its investigation with the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) under the Income Tax Act 1967 showed that the company had never paid their relevant taxes.

On Monday, however, LHDN issued a statement saying the IGP was only referring to the current assessment year, and that it had conducted more than 60 audits on GISB, its associated companies and individuals in previous assessment years, resulting in fines that had been paid by the respective taxpayers.

The Selangor Zakat Board has also come out to say the 20-plus Gisb-linked companies had never paid their business zakat (tithe). This coming from a self-styled bumiputra-muslim company is truly despicable.

Yet another revelation on Monday showed how widespread the company’s tentacles went.

According to Malaysia Competition Commission chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Hishamudin Yunus, GISB Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd is among 81 companies that might face financial penalties for allegedly participating in a price-fixing agreement for umrah travel services in Malaysia from early 2023.

While Perlis Mufti Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin – who, in early September, urged the authorities to investigate GISB – has issued a fatwa declaring the group’s beliefs and teachings to be deviant and a continuation of Al-arqam, other states have yet to do so.

Declaring fatwas against them, shutting down their businesses, freezing their bank accounts, and arresting and charging the perpetrators are all well and good. But all this still pales in comparison to what they have done to hundreds of vulnerable, innocent children for decades.

One might say it has nothing to do with religion, or rather that the religion was misused. But this country needs to do more against those who will use religion to mislead many for their evil and self-serving ends.

What we need is a Royal Commission of Inquiry to find out exactly how and why, despite numerous reports lodged against it, a banned deviant group was allowed to keep reinventing itself into a multi-national empire and evade taxes, brainwash thousands of followers and run homes of horror for children for years.

His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia, has called for a thorough investigation into the alleged crimes and child abuse, and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has also spoken: No one can hide behind religion or race if found guilty of child abuse or exploitation. “Do not use race, do not use religion. If you are oppressive, break the law, or abuse and mistreat children, you are in the wrong.”

The Star MalaysiaThe views expressed here are the writer’s own.


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Monday 30 September 2024

In 75 years, China has become increasingly prominent in driving global development


A view of flower basket themed "Blessings to the Motherland" in Beijing on September 25, 2024 Photo: VCG

The 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China is a momentous occasion, not only for the over 1.4 billion Chinese people but also with global significance and historical importance. 

Over these 75 years, the journey of Chinese modernization has profoundly transformed China and influenced the world, truly realizing that "our work will be written in the annals of human history." 

This year also marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Amid a changing international landscape, China has steadfastly maintained an independent and peaceful foreign policy, upholding international fairness and justice. As China increasingly approaches global center stage, it continues to make new and greater contributions to the cause of peace and development for humanity.

Seventy-five years ago, when this ancient nation in the East opened a new chapter in its history, the world was just beginning to recover from the devastation of two wars. From a struggling agricultural country, China has evolved into the world's second-largest economy, the world's leading manufacturing power, the top trader of goods, and the holder of the largest foreign exchange reserves. This historical elevation in national strength matches China's significant contributions to global development. 

From 1979 to 2023, China's average annual contribution to global economic growth reached 24.8 percent, with an average of over 30 percent from 2013 to 2023. For 12 consecutive years, China's outbound direct investment in foreign countries has ranked among the top three globally, holding over 10 percent of the global share for eight years. China's "new three items" - electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells - are facilitating the globe to accelerate their green and low-carbon transitions, while its infrastructure projects span over 190 countries and regions worldwide. Today, averagely speaking, China engages in approximately 80 million yuan ($11.4 million) worth of trade with the world every minute, invests approximately 112 million yuan abroad every hour, and attracts about 3.377 billion yuan in foreign investment daily. The development of China is intricately linked with global progress, achieving mutual success, and driving the world toward greater progress and prosperity.

A great nation with over 5,000-year-old civilization stands majestically in the East, as over 1.4 billion people stride forward on the path to modernization. Such a vast scale itself is one of the main powerful driving forces for the progress of the entire world and human society. The practices of Chinese modernization teaches us that development is the key to solving all problems. China has proposed the Global Development Initiative to support the development and revitalization of countries in the Global South. By the end of 2023, China's direct investment in countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative had exceeded $300 billion. Chinese companies have built the first ultra-high voltage direct current transmission line in the Americas, the first electrified railway, the first digital mine, and numerous infrastructure and livelihood projects in Africa, making an indelible contribution to global infrastructure construction.

From "seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China" to "seek peace even if you have to go as far as China," peace is a valuable public good that China offers to a turbulent world. Over the past 75 years, China has never initiated any war or conflict and has never occupied an inch of another country's territory. In the face of numerous international security challenges, China has proposed the Global Security Initiative. It has mediated the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, facilitated a historic reconciliation among Palestinian factions, and promoted a political resolution to the crisis in Ukraine. Today, China has become the second-largest contributor to the UN regular budget, the second-largest contributor to peacekeeping operations, and the largest troop-contributing country among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. China has always been committed to promoting world peace and development.

To leave behind achievements worthy of being engraved in world history, a nation and its people must not only be judged by their material accomplishments but also by the amount of spiritual wealth they have contributed. The latter often holds more profound significance than the former. 

In today's world, where the destinies of nations are closely intertwined, China has proposed the Global Civilization Initiative, advocating cultural exchanges that transcend estrangement, mutual learning that transcends clashes, and coexistence that transcends feelings of superiority. It addresses significant questions, such as how different civilizations can coexist and where human civilization is headed, offering Chinese wisdom and solutions to promote cultural exchanges and the advancement of human civilization.

Over the past 75 years, China has demonstrated an uncommon empathy in the political arena of major powers throughout human history. From proposing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, emphasizing equality and non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, to the new era's initiatives like jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative, building a community with a shared future for mankind, and the promotion of solidarity and cooperation among the Global South, China has advocated that the sovereignty of all countries are equal regardless of size on global arena while showing respect and support for the development of other countries. 

China has provided the worldview of "shared future" and the methodology of "jointly building and win-win cooperation" for all mankind, breaking the nearly 500 years of narrow perspective of the West in viewing the world and building order from the perspective of "hegemonic hierarchy," "center-periphery" and "cultural monism." This is rare in the history of human civilization and is urgently needed in today's world. 

The 75-year journey through challenges has underscored the invaluable role China plays in global peace, development and progress. The modernization China has promoted, which embodies justice, openness, mutual benefit, people-first policies, diversity, inclusiveness, eco-friendliness, and peace and security, will only become more significant and valuable to the world as time progresses.

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