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Friday, 1 January 2021

Happy New Year 2021: Stay Home to stay Safe

Health experts say the current Covid-19 situation in the country is not favourable for social gatherings even for welcoming the New Year.

“Current active cases have exceeded 21,000 and daily numbers are close to 2,000. We should not expose ourselves to any risk of infection,” said Universiti Putra Malaysia medical epidemiologist Assoc Prof Dr Malina Osman.

“We should also not strain our healthcare system further.”

The conditional movement control order (MCO) was eased for the sake of the country’s economy, and not for engaging in big social crowds or family gatherings, said Dr Malina.

She advised the public to continue to comply with SOP, as the vaccine was yet to be made available locally.

“Hopefully the vaccine will reach our country soon. Singapore has started the vaccination for their frontliners today (yesterday) and their cases are much lower compared to us, we have to be more consistent and vigilant against Covid-19.

“Or we can expect early next year to be markedly different from our neighbouring country,” she said.

Universiti Malaya professor of epidemiology and public health Prof Dr Sanjay Rampal said for the next few weeks, it was important to do two things.

“First, avoid being in congested and confined areas for prolonged durations. It may be hard at times to maintain the minimum 1m physical distancing but we have to.

“Second, there may be a need to maintain a social circle for longterm emotional and psychosocial support, but avoid a large bubble, and restrict mixing across networks,” he said.

For New Year celebrations, Dr Sanjay suggested that the public usher in the New Year by staying at home.

Large gatherings, if any, should be held in big, open spaces while practising physical distancing, he said, adding that the location should have sufficient amenities to promote good sanitation and hygiene.

Medical Practitioners Coalition Association of Malaysia president Dr Raj Kumar Maharajah concurred that celebrations should be held in open areas with good ventilation to reduce the probability of getting infected.

Dr Raj said air conditioned and closed spaces without good ventilation posed a risk to people.

“Malaysians can celebrate in open areas by observing the SOP laid out by the Health Ministry. Use your face mask, observe social distancing, and wash and sanitise your hands regularly,” he said.

Going into the new year, Dr Raj believed there would not be “total freedom”.

“There will still be restrictions for the whole of next year. Hopefully, the vaccine can ease that for us. However, let’s remain positive and hope for the best,” he said.

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Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Core Exercises for Stroke Patients to Improve Balance and Walking (Gait) 

Seated Core Exercises

13.9K subscribers

The best way to improve balance after stroke is with core exercises. You can also download 13 pages of free rehab exercises here:

These core exercises for stroke patients are guided by Cassi, DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy).

Cassi's core exercises are relatively easy and will help you improve your balance and gait (manner of walking).

To get more information on stroke recovery, download our FREE ebook here:

Best Hand Exercises for Stroke Patients at Home 

These hand exercises for stroke patients are guided by Barbara, OTA. You can also download 13 pages of free rehab exercises here:

Best Stroke Recovery Hand Exercises - Stage 1 

Dr. Scott Thompson shares the best stroke recovery hand exercises. Use these hand exercises and hand therapy tools to advance your stroke recovery. 

Full Body Rehab Exercise Guides

Thanks for signing up for our free stroke rehab exercises. To download the PDF exercise guides ebook, click the button below:

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NGOs hold free online classes on managing stress

A ‘Body Mind Powerbank Station’ class being held over Zoom.

TWO humanitarian non-governmental organisations are jointly holding free online classes on techniques to alleviate stress.

The Art of Living (AOL) Malaysia and International Association for Human Values (IAHV) will hold the classes, themed “Body Mind Powerbank Station”, to teach participants the proper stretching and breathing techniques that can assist people in dealing with anxiety, especially those induced by the Covid-19 pandemic and movement control order.

The classes are 20 minutes’ long and will be conducted via Zoom every Wednesday to Friday between 8pm and 9.30pm.

AOL Malaysia president Sundaresh Aw Yang said the techniques would help calm minds.

“The MCO has disrupted many lives, resulting in sleep disorder, anxiety, lost of concentration and increased anger that take a toll on the body.

“This programme, started in October, will help participants to relax and improve their energy, ” he said when contacted.

“Normal breathing will see about 20% of the oxygen we inhale go to our lungs.

Breathing Relaxation Exercise

15 Minute Deep Breathing Exercise

 “Through the techniques to be taught in the classes, we can bring it up to about 70% to 80%.

“People who are angry will breathe heavily and in short breaths. Those who are happy will breathe lightly, long and deep, ” he added.
     Aw Yang said with better breathing, it would also help improve quality of sleep.

He said the techniques were started by AOL founder Ravi Shankar from India in 1981.

“It can help people to be more positive and have a peaceful mindset, ” he said, adding that there were 156 AOL centres globally and 50 in Malaysia.

IAHV president Tan Boon Yang said he had been practising the techniques for 15 years and found it to be beneficial.

“People commonly advise us to rid ourselves of anxiety and not be angry, but fail to guide us on how to do so.

“I had depression and the techniques have helped me to manage my anxiety, ” he said.

“I am now actively involved in humanitarian efforts.

“The techniques are very simple and I hope it can work for others too, ” he said.

He added that IAHV was a global organisation found in 25 countries, with its branch in Malaysia registered in 2012.

To register for the classes,

For further details, or or call 012-413 0890 or 011-6168 2171.

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