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Saturday, 6 July 2013

DNA the next wave !

Spectacular new discoveries reveal the true power of our genes. Visionary technology now promises to end deadly diseases and provide us with the key to immortality. Witness the revelation in DNA THE NEXT WAVE. "REVEALED: DNA THE NEXT WAVE" premieres Saturday December 29, 2012, at 8pm.

Nu Skin's ageLOC technology is featured in this Discovery Channel's documentary. ageLOC is a revolutionary technology which allows Nu Skin to identify clusters of genes responsible for aging and reset these genes to behave like they did when they were younger. This new science is called Epigenetic's and was featured on the front cover of both Time Magazine as well as National Geographic.

Published on Jan 3, 2013
Published on Dec 29, 2012

HIGHLIGHTS of the Discovery Channel program where Nu Skin scientists Dr. Joseph Chang, Dr. Tomas Prolla and Dr. Richard Weindruch were featured as part of an hour-long program on DNA and aging.
Link to 1-hour long full feature:

Discovery Channel DNA: The Next Wave (5 mins) on Vimeo
Jan 11, 2013

"ageLOC Vitality" improves the three dimensions of vitality—physical vigor, mental acuity, and sexual health—by promoting healthy YGC activity associated with youthful vitality.

"Life Pak Nano and Nutritionals" Pharmanex has created comprehensive supplements to provide the body with optimal levels of important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and many more, Call the phone in video for details.

2009年,Nu Skin 公司和全球基因資料庫最完整的 LifeGen 生命基因科技公司結合共同研究,完成了辨識基因及調控基因表現的劃時代技術 ageLOC 科技!

Discovery Channel 頻道 DNA the next wave《人類基因解碼》歷經1年籌備拍攝,足跡遍及美國猶他州、加州聖地牙哥、舊金山、威斯康辛州及北京,採訪全球基因科技最重要的突破及科學家。

Discovery 頻道特別採訪 NU SKIN 如新首席科研執行長曾潤海博士、NU SKIN 如新抗衰老科研團隊 LifeGen 魏德理教授與彭樂濤教授,拍攝場景從北京抗衰老科研中心、至美國 LifeGen 美國生命基因科技中心及 NU SKIN 如新全球抗衰老科研中心。節目中完整陳述 NU SKIN 如新抗衰老科技,透過領先的基因晶片技術,辨識並找到掌控老化的青春基因群組,再透過­重設基因的年輕表現,進而重現青春的樣貌!


Unparalleled Opportunity:
Nu Skin's 1st wave 28 years ago made millions.
If you want to catch the 2nd wave of Nu Skin's amazing growth, which is predicted to be more than 10 times bigger, the gene-expression Gamma project due for LTO launch by October 2013


Heey Cheng Wong, phone: 60164458434

Friday, 5 July 2013

A Brain-Food Surprise!

A familiar brain-food takes on yet another starring role! Fat-rich fish.

Fat-rich fish is loaded with vitamin D. Neuroscientists now believe that your brain is the biggest beneficiary of vitamin D.

Consider vitamin D a stealth is all around us, but increasingly elusive. You get vit D from the sun. We are told to stay out of the sun or use a sun screen. This makes sense, because of potential skin damage and related cancer concerns. The result, though, is that many people are deficient in vit D. A lack of vit D in the brain is not good news.

Here is what we know:

Too little Vit D in the adult brain increases the risk of stroke and dementia.

Vit D thins blood and protects neurons in your brain. Mood disorders are linked to low levels of vitamin D.

A link has been discovered between inadequate levels of vit D and autism and schizophrenia.

I have started to include more of these vitamin D rich foods in my diet:salmon, mackerel, sardines, shrimp, milk, and eggs

Recipes that use these foods could be considered a day of sunshine!

I have become very aware that I have one brain and that it is involved in every thing I do. I am doing my best to look after it.

For more on the brain benefits of fish check out Brain Bulletins 26 and 33 in the Brain Bulletin Archive.
In the last Brain Bulletin I told you that I had just started reading an amazing book:The End of Overeating by David Kessler

It is an absolutely remarkable book in that it approaches eating as a brain behaviour. I saw myself on just about every page. I could not read it fast enough!

Many of the questions that I get asked in my live presentations relate to eating. Usually about eating too much, or continually eating the wrong foods. I have told people for 25 years that you eat with your brain, not your mouth. The End of Overeating really illuminates how your brain interacts with food. You will enjoy it and remember, I don't get a penny for recommeding it.

Last week I was in Barrie, Ontario keynoting the Aim Language Learning Conference. I met lots of great people and I got to celebrate Canada Day in downtown Barrie. It was lots of fun! This week our daughter and soon to be son-in-law, Taryn and Jeff, get married. I get to spend the rest of the month presenting seminars in beautiful Vancouver.

Everyday new horizons appear in your life and new doors open all around you. Train your brain to look for them and......

Remember: "You are a genius!"

By Terry Small.
Terry Small is a brain expert who resides in Canada and believes that anyone can learn how to learn easier, better, faster, and that learning to learn is the most important skill a person can acquire.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Don’t be ‘that’ person on social media: tips and best practices

BE MORE COURTEOUS: Following someone on social media is a lot like dating, therefore one should follow certain rules of etiquette. — AFP

For me, following someone on social media is a lot like dating. I like to learn a little about them first before going all the way.

When I follow someone, it’s because I liked what they were sharing or appreciated what they had to say.
But not everyone is follow material. Some people are boring, annoying and predictable. And some make mistakes that leave us scratching our heads in sheer bewilderment.

So here are a few tips and best practices to not only get you more followers, but to get you noticed instead of blocked.

• May I have your attention? Please!   

Instead of telling me what you’re doing, tell me what has your attention. Way back when Twitter had that new car smell, it got a bad rap because everyone was posting that they were eating. Or thinking about eating. I don’t care about that, but I might care if you have photos of an amazing gourmet meal. In other words, what has your attention vs. the obvious.

As Doc Brown said in the Back to the Future movies, “Marty! You’re not thinking fourth-dimensionally!” Thinking fourth-dimensionally makes social media fun.

• Not everyone cares about your schedule: Scheduling tweets or Facebook posts isn’t the worst thing you can do, but scheduling something at an inopportune time is.

There are countless examples of brands and people that had tweets set up during tragedies such as the Sandy Hook school shooting and the Boston Marathon bombings. I had an e-mail exchange with someone after Boston who defended it with, “Oh, I had that set up loooooooong before it happened.” Well, you know what? That’s not a valid excuse. You are responsible for every message you send, whether it’s automated or not. Also, scheduling tweets that far in advance can be a recipe for trouble. Be aware of what’s going on around you at all times, and make sure the message you are sending is the right one.

• Let me be direct — or not: One of the things that annoys me most on Twitter is the automatic direct message.

You know, when you follow an account and you get a tweet immediately that goes something like this: “You are awesome. Let’s be awesome together. Tell me the things that make you happy.” Besides the fact that no one talks like this and I have little interest in talking about what makes me happy with someone I just met, the automatic direct message is lazy and it’s not social.

The real-life equivalent is screening a call and letting it go to voicemail. One is more convenient, but the other is appreciated. This is social media, folks. Show me the real you, not some watered-down version. Be social.

Keeping these three things in mind when you share on social media can be the difference between being just another follow and a superstar

By SCOTT KLEINBERG . — McClatchy-Tribune Information Services 

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