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Thursday 4 October 2018

Najib & his strong wife Rosmah with 17 charges in Court over money laundering


PUTRAJAYA: In an unprecedented turn of events, former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor will both be in court today.

After spending a night in the MACC lockup, investigators are bringing Rosmah to the Sessions Court in Kuala Lumpur to face a slew of money laundering charges while the case management for one of Najib’s cases will take place at the same time.

Najib is facing some 32 charges including criminal breach of trust, abuse of power and money laundering of funds linked to 1Malaysia Development Bhd and its offshoot, SRC International Sdn Bhd.

So far, Najib has been brought to court three times to face charges since July 4.

As for Rosmah, today will be the first time she will be formally charged in relation to money laundering activities.

It is believed that Rosmah could be slapped with up to 20 charges.

Rosmah, 67, will go down in Malaysian history as the first wife of a prime minister to be indicted.

The arrest came after she was questioned for more than four hours yesterday morning at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters here.

The Star, followed by other media, broke the news of her arrest after the lunch break yesterday.

At 3.20pm, MACC confirmed her arrest.

The MACC made the arrest after being given the go-ahead by the Attorney General’s Chambers.

The commission also said that Rosmah would be charged under Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act.

However, Rosmah’s lawyers said they were unaware of the charges that would be brought on their client.

“We were only informed by the MACC of her arrest and that she would be brought to the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court to be charged tomorrow.

“They did not tell us the nature of the charges,” said Datuk Geethan Ram Vincent.

The media who were stationed outside the MACC building from 9am waited for Rosmah who was called in for questioning for the third time since June 5.

The investigations are related to the trail of funds from 1MDB and SRC International.

She arrived at the MACC headquarters at 10.42am, dressed in a light green baju kurung and a matching selendang.

As she walked past the crowd of reporters, she appeared calm and even stopped to shake hands.

Sources said that Najib was informed of his wife’s arrest.

“He appeared calm,” said a source when asked on Najib’s reaction to the news of Rosmah’s arrest.

Asked about Rosmah’s condition, Geethan said: “She’s ok.”

Rosmah was first called to the MACC on June 5 to answer questions on SRC International Sdn Bhd.

On Sept 26 and yesterday, she was interrogated over the 1MDB scandal and money laundering.

The first inkling of Rosmah being charged was on Sept 24 after MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri Shukri Abdull was quoted as saying that the investigations on her had been completed and the report had been submitted to the Attorney General.

He said then that it was up to the AG to prosecute Rosmah.

Yesterday, Najib was also detained for questioning on matters related to 1MDB but in another location and by a different law enforcement agency.

While Rosmah was in MACC, Najib was giving his statement at the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Prevention Unit (Amla) headquarters at Menara KPJ in Jalan Tun Razak.

Pemantau Malaysia Baru president Datuk Lokman Noor Adam, who is also an Umno supreme council member, announced the day before on Facebook that Najib would be called in by the police at 10am yesterday.

Najib was taken into the building through a side entrance after he arrived at Menara KPJ at about 11am, giving the media the slip.

He managed to evade the press when he left the building from the elevated car park at 1.05pm, nearly three hours after he came to the Amla headquarters.

Yesterday morning, a white luxury MPV was seen leaving the couple’s house in Jalan Langgak Duta earlier in the morning.

However, it was not known whether it was transporting the couple or either one of them.

Prior to his questioning at Menara KPJ yesterday, Najib, who is Pekan Member of Parliament, was called up on Aug 27 and 30 and then on Sept 30 to have his statement recorded on the case.

In both instances, it was with the MACC.

Exactly a week ago on Sept 26, Rosmah was called in for a second round of questioning – this time on 1MDB – which lasted 13 hours, also at the MACC.

Credit: mazwin nik anis, joseph kaos jr, royce tan, vincent tan, chu mei fong The Star

 The 17 charges on Rosmah - MalaysiaGazette

Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of former Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was being charged under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act (AMLATFPUAA) 2001 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. PIC: AFIQ RAZALI / Malaysia Gazette / 4 OCTOBER 2018
Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of former Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was being charged under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act (AMLATFPUAA) 2001 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. PIC: AFIQ RAZALI / Malaysia Gazette / 4 OCTOBER 2018 

By Mohd Zaini Samsu Hadi
KUALA LUMPUR – Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was slapped with 17 charges on money-laundering involving a total of RM7 million.

Following are the list of charges on Rosmah:

  • Depositing RM200,000 from illegal activities into personal account on 4 December 2013
  • Depositing RM100,000 from illegal activities into personal account on 15 December 2013
  • Depositing RM200,000 from illegal activities into personal account on 23 December 2013
  • Depositing RM100,000 from illegal activities into personal account on 28 January 2014
  • Depositing RM100,000 from illegal activities into personal account on 29 January 2014
  • Depositing RM200,000 from illegal activities into personal account on 28 February 2014
  • Depositing RM100,000 from illegal activities into personal account on 14 March 2014
  • Depositing RM100,000 from illegal activities into personal account on 8 April 2014
  • Depositing RM1.6 million from illegal activities into personal account through 8 transactions between 4 September 2014 and 22 December 2014
  • Depositing RM3.85 million from illegal activities into personal account through 127 transactions between 21 January 2015 to 12 December 2015.
  • Depositing RM510,000 from illegal activities into personal account through 87 transactions between 28 January 2016 and 7 November 2016
  • Depositing RM30,000 from illegal activities into personal account through 5 transactions between 28 March 2017 and 8 June 2017
  • Failure to declare RM500,000 deposited into her personal account between 4 December 2013 and 23 December 2013 as required by the Income Tax Act
  • Failure to declare RM2.2 million deposited into her personal account between 28 January 2014 and 22 December 2014 as required by the Income Tax Act
  • Failure to declare RM3.85 million deposited into her personal account between 21 January 2015 and 12 December 2015 as required by the Income Tax Act
  • Failure to declare RM510,000 deposited into her personal account between 28 January 2016 and 7 November 2016 as required by the Income Tax Act
  • Failure to declare RM30,000 deposited into her personal account between 29 March 2017 and 8 June 2017 as required by the Income Tax Act
Rosmah was charged according to Section 4(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act (AMLATFPUAA) 2001,
She shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifteen years and shall also be liable to a fine of not less than five times the sum or value of the proceeds of an unlawful activity or instrumentalities of an offence at the time the offence was committed or five million ringgit, whichever is the higher upon conviction. – MalaysiaGazette

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Chinese bishops to join Vatican synod for first time

Latest updates: Baldisseri (centre) speaking at a press conference on the synod of bishops at the Vatican.

Move comes after earlier deal where Pope recognized seven clergy ordained by Beijing

VATICAN CITY: Two Chinese Catholic bishops are to take part for the first time from today in a synod, or advisory body meeting, with peers at the Vatican, the Holy See said.

“The Holy Father had invited Chinese bishops in the past but they were never able to come,” said Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, who is to preside the synod of bishops on “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment” from Oct 3-28.

The meeting of more than 300 church officials, outside experts and youth delegates will take place in the shadow of an existential crisis faced by the church owing to cases of widespread sexual abuse of minors by clergy and lay officials in several countries.

On Sept 22, the Vatican and China reached a provisional agreement under which Pope Francis recognised seven clergy initially ordained by Beijing without the Vatican’s approval.

The accord could pave the way for the normalisation of ties between the Catholic Church and the world’s most populous country.

One of those recognised, Bishop Joseph Guo Jincai, is to attend the synod along with Bishop John Baptist Yang Xiaotin, another member of the Patriotic Catholic Association (PCA), a body created by the Chinese government to administer the church.

They will join discussions on how to encourage young people to make the church their vocation, an official theme that could take a back seat to issues raised last March during a pre-synodal meeting of more than 300 youths in Rome along with 15,000 others online that were presented to church leaders.

“We want to say, especially to the hierarchy of the Church, that they should be a transparent, welcoming, honest, inviting, communicative, accessible, joyful and interactive community,” a statement issued at the end of their meeting said.

“The Church should be sincere in admitting its past and present wrongs,” they added.

Pope Francis acknowledged those concerns last week when he told young Christians in Estonia that many “are outraged by sexual and economic scandals that are not met with clear condemnation”.

The pontiff conceded that many also find the Church’s presence “bothersome or even irritating”.

He has called a meeting next February of senior Church leaders from around the world to take up the question of child protection.

Scandals in Australia, Europe, and North and South America have involved widespread claims of abuse – and cover-ups – by clergymen and lay members with one Vatican archbishop describing it as the church’s “own 9/11”.

Germany’s Catholic Church released last month a damning report showing that in Germany alone, almost 3,700 minors were assaulted between 1946 and 2014.

During their pre-synodal meeting, the Catholic youths also urged Church leaders to “speak in practical terms about controversial subjects such as homosexuality and gender issues”, which they were “already freely discussing without taboo”.

They noted in addition that young women regretted “a lack of leading female role models within the Church”.

A handful of women were to take part in the synod of bishops as official observers. - AFP


China top paper warns officials against 'spiritual anaesthesia', the root of corruptions


Don't let developers take control, councils told

Do not let developers take control, deputy minister tells councils

KUALA LUMPUR: Property developers are behaving more and more like local councils, Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah said, noting that this has given rise to the current form of townships that are not centralised and are dominated and led by private developers.

There are developers who are acting like local councils as the latter have not been taking the lead, and this is a cause for concern, he said.

Raja Kamarul noted that traditionally, the local governments were the decision makers but this fact has changed of late.

“Long ago, it was the local government that determines what developers should build, creating markets, shopping malls, commercial, industrial, agricultural and entertainment areas, and of course, knowing how many homes need to be built because they know the population in the area,” he said in his keynote address at the opening of the one-day Housing and Property Development Colloquium on “Reimagining the Housing and Property Industry in the New Malaysia” here yesterday.

“But now, the role has shifted to the developers, giving rise to the current form of townships that are not centralised and are dominated and led by private developers,” he said.

“Most concerning is the recent trend that developers are behaving more and more like the local council themselves, in having their own private security for substantial portions of residential and commercial areas as an example, and other provisions of services and infrastructure.

“Although the local governments retain power and control where their approval is needed to build, they have often failed to take a more proactive role,” said Raja Kamarul.

He also highlighted that some local governments have failed in providing basic services to the people, causing developers to step in to fill the void.

“Local governments must find the will and desire to see their own town, cities and districts develop into comfortable townships and not allow developers to take entire pieces of land and create their own defacto privatised local government,” he said.

He also said this is why the government is looking to bring back local government elections, in order to bring back a sense of accountability by local governments.

“Once constituted, citizens can take leaders of the local government to task when services and facilities are not up to par. This should lead to more tangible and improved living conditions for the rakyat,” added Raja Kamarul.

Credit: Ahmad Naqib Idris The Edge Financial Daily


Developers acting like local councils a concern, says deputy minister

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