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Sunday, 12 February 2023

OUR MANY APPETITES: Figuring out the right amount of protein we need could be the key to weight management

People follow various diet fads, hoping to unlock the secret to weight management. — 

This dia­gram indic­ates the out­come of a diet­ary “chase” (res­ult­ing in the “excess Cal­or­ies”) from an ini­tial inad­equate to a more optimal level of pro­tein con­sump­tion.


How much pro­tein a per­son needs depends on his life­style too. -

Figuring out the right amount of protein we need could be the key to weight management.

MANY would have enjoyed the 15-day Chinese New Year season of bingeing on food and drink, and some would have added on a few spare kilos of weight as a result. My own Body Mass Index (BMI) is heading back towards 27 (again) which means I am significantly overweight (again) and this simply implies some immediate weight loss is needed.

At my advanced age, being overweight confers no momentous benefits, but can present several potential negatives, so weight control in such circumstances is quite important. And this is why a 2013 published study into a single wild female Chacma baboon named Stella in South Africa may be relevant.

Researchers from various anthropological and veterinary science institutes embarked on analysing in detail the food consumption of Stella over a 30-day window, breaking down her diet into the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The study was done in South Africa in a region where there was a diverse range of foods available for baboons, and the original purpose was to establish if baboons can (a) regulate their intake of macronutrients, (b) cope with dietary restrictions, and, (c) establish a timescale for nutritional demands.

The data surprisingly indicated that Stella’s diet was driven primarily by the amount of protein eaten. Regardless of food availability, the ratio of calories from non-protein energy to energy from proteins was remarkably steady at 5:1, and this ratio was maintained every day. The wet mass of food varied considerably with an average of 1.9 kilos a day, and may fluctuate by 800 grams daily.

Stella’s average daily calorie intake was 940 calories, which varied up or down by 426 calories a day. The study found that the other two macronutrients, fats and carbohydrates were interchangeable with each other as far as Stella was concerned, and the overriding driver of total calories consumption was solely the amount of protein in Stella’s diet.

Protein leverage

The astonishing outcome of the study on Stella was actually predicted much earlier, by two Australian researchers, Simpson and Raubenheimer, in their 2005 paper, ‘Obesity: the protein leverage hypothesis’ where a simple mathematical model was presented which offered a plausible explanation for the global human obesity epidemic.

Summarised, the Protein Leverage Hypotheses (PLH) is simple. Like baboons, people eat to satisfy their need for protein, and they will eat potentially enormous amount of carbohydrates and fats until the food

eaten finally fulfills their protein requirement. And if people do not get enough protein, then they will simply eat more and more foods (which often contain carbohydrates and fats) in a forlorn quest for protein.

The body’s need for a relatively small amount of protein can therefore hugely “leverage” the consumption of other foods. And as such other foods contain more calories than proteins, the final result is often the accumulation of body fats resulting in obesity.

The obvious and significant difference between Stella and humans is that baboons appear able to restrict the overconsumption of fats and carbohydrates, even in the absence of protein. There may be several reasons for this. Perhaps there is a “protein switch” in baboons, or more probably, the range of foods available for baboons is simply limited, unlike for most humans.

Modern food production techniques use all sort of chemicals and flavouring compounds to mimic the texture and taste of protein-rich foods, resulting in processed foods that taste remarkably like proteins, but actually have very little or zero protein content. These foods have lots of cheap carbohydrates and fats instead, as protein is an expensive ingredient to include in processed foods.

Classic example are potato-based snacks and crisps, which come in all sorts of “meaty” flavours, even though there is usually no meat or protein content. According to the PLH, humans can easily consume many thousands of calories from meat-flavoured crisps in a futile attempt to satisfy the need for protein. Their taste senses will be fooled into erroneously provoking the consumption of such fake foods.

The amount of proteins needed by humans vary with age, with older people needing more protein content in their diets. And this includes both vegetable-based and animal sources of protein as there is little difference in the way the body processes proteins in general. Proteins are linkages of amino acids which the body disassemble into various smaller amino acids and molecules and recombine into other compounds to create enzymes, hormones and other tissues.

The main differences between animal and vegetable proteins are that meat proteins are considered “complete” proteins as they contain all 9 of the essential amino acids, and additionally they have some micronutrients (eg, certain minerals) which may not be present in plant proteins. However, these variances are easily resolved by adding or cooking/preparation with various added ingredients.

Our five appetites?

Leading from the PLH, where it seems that baboons and humans can detect the protein content of food, Simpson and Raubenheimer further proposed a theory that humans may actually have five different appetites, one each for protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium and salt. Note that these are appetites which may reflect a physical need and not the same as taste sensors in the mouth, which are reflective of eating pleasures and displeasures.

There may be an element of truth involved, though the science is still unclear. Certainly, salt and some carbohydrates such as sugar can be detected by taste buds in the mouth. Fats can apparently be detected by specialised sensors in human digestive tracts, calcium may be detectable via a protein known as NCS-1 encoded by the FREQ gene in humans, and the real puzzle is how humans can detect proteins in the diet. Some papers have suggested that humans may have amino acid chemoreceptors, but it is far from clear that these receptors are involved in creating an “appetite” for protein as there are no neural linkages associated with these receptors.

Therefore, it is plausible that proteins are complex foods which require more processing for digestion and hence the lack of protein may be inferred by the body from the lack of digestive effort (and continued feeling of hunger) when insufficient protein has been ingested. We do not know for certain, even though the effect of humans eating inadequate amounts of proteins appears to be observable.

Regardless, of all the five appetites proposed, by far the most dominant appetite is for protein. The other may be in place to remind the body to also consume other macro- and micro-nutrients.

Too much protein is bad too

However, too much dietary protein can also be bad. The muchhyped keto diet is basically a meal plan comprising of primarily proteins and fats, which is quite odd, if one thinks about it.

Here is some simple maths. A gram of fat contains nine calories, a gram of sugar (carbohydrate) contains 4 calories, and protein is roughly the same as sugar. So if one wants to lose weight, it would make sense to ingest only proteins and carbohydrates, and skip the fats. However, the inclusion of carbohydrates would preclude the onset of ketosis, which is the phase when the body begins to burn stored body fat, instead of deriving energy from the carbohydrates.

This may be good for short-term weight loss, but it is also likely to have an effect on the kidneys because any diet too high in protein ends up building acid in the bodily fluids. This causes the kidneys to excrete the excess acid which is extracted using the calcium from the bones, resulting in excessive calcium loss.

The kidneys themselves may be damaged, especially if there is not enough water in the diet. There are also other side effects which can impact the liver and the heart, but it seems that the keto diet can work with healthy, younger adults, though it is probably less suitable for older people.

The right amount

Although it is a subjective matter, the amount of protein needed daily generally depends on physical activity and age. For a healthy adult, the minimum requirement is 0.8 grams per kilo of weight. So an adult weighing 70 kilos would need a minimum of 56 grams of protein daily. For younger, growing people and people who are more active, the requirement rises to 1 gram to 1.6 grams per kilo of body weight.

Older people, aged 65 or more, generally require around 50% more protein than someone younger, so an inactive pensioner should aim for 1.2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight, rising to perhaps 2 grams per kilo for a reasonably active pensioner.

Translated into food, 56 grams of protein is obtainable from around 200 to 250 grams of meat or fish, or 160 grams of dry soybeans.

Once the daily protein requirement is established, aim to consume the right amount of protein daily and vary the calories from the rest of food to a point where one feels comfortable, especially if the target is weight loss. One can also increase the daily protein amounts if hunger pangs persist. Cravings for overeating should be reduced once the right amount of protein has been found, according to the PLH. 


By  Curious cook CHRIS Chan - The views expressed here are entirely the writer’s own. 

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How Much Protein Do You Need to Eat Per Day to Lose Weight?


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Demystifying the property market overhang

AN account­ant, who is tasked with pre­par­ing the books of a cor­por­ate, will always be guided by account­ing prin­ciples when it comes to how the fin­an­cial state­ments of the com­pany are presen­ted on an annual basis to ensure they are accur­ate and reflect­ive of the com­pany’s busi­ness affairs.

An aud­itor, look­ing at the same pre­pared accounts, will run through the num­bers and audit the key mater­ial items to ensure they are reas­on­able, reflect­ive of the com­pany’s fin­ances, and free from mater­ial mis­state­ments, includ­ing due to fraud or error, or applic­a­tion of wrong account­ing treat­ment.

In fin­an­cial state­ments, two of the most crit­ical items are receiv­ables and invent­or­ies.

In order to have proper account­ing treat­ment, account­ants and aud­it­ors used account­ing the­or­ies to describe what is deemed to be cur­rent, and those that have a longer-dated age­ing pro­file are either impaired or writ­ten off.

The reason for this is to ensure that the fin­an­cial state­ments reflect the status of a cor­por­a­tion’s cur­rent assets and are in no way doubt­ful.

There is also an applic­a­tion of gen­eral pro­vi­sion or spe­cific pro­vi­sion when it comes to how these bal­ances ought to be treated in the fin­an­cial state­ments.

Often, we see cases of over-inflated bal­ances and when it came to the crunch of the mat­ter, the man­age­ment would have no choice but to write them off.

The ‘real’ over­hang

At the recently con­cluded 15th Malay­sian Prop­erty Sum­mit 2023, the Dir­ector of the National Prop­erty Inform­a­tion Centre (Napic) presen­ted a paper on the status of the Malay­sian prop­erty mar­ket up to the third quarter of last year (3Q22), with some data points related to the per­form­ance of the mar­ket up to Novem­ber 2022.

The full mar­ket report is only expec­ted to be released in the middle of next month, where Napic will not only provide the usual annual update of the mar­ket’s per­form­ance but also provide more insight into some of the key data points that have been much dis­cussed among all stake­hold­ers, of which, one of them is the status of over­hang in the mar­ket.

As we are aware, the res­id­en­tial over­hang at the end of 3Q22 stood at 29,535 units worth some Rm19.95bil.

Napic’s web­site also provided the details of where these over­hang prop­er­ties are loc­ated and the three key states – Johor, Selangor, and Pen­ang – are the main hot­spots, account­ing for some 14,956 units or just over half of the coun­try’s total over­hang.

In terms of the type of prop­er­ties, the 3Q22 data showed that high-rises com­prise 18,962 units or 64.2% of the total over­hang.

In terms of price points, 23.8% of the total over­hang was priced at RM300,000 and below, 29.5% was priced between RM300,001 and RM500,000, 31.6% was priced between RM500,001 and Rm1mil and the bal­ance was priced above Rm1mil.

In terms of the total value, the res­id­en­tial over­hang is skewed towards the high-end seg­ment with prop­er­ties worth more than Rm1mil account­ing for 43.4% of the total over­hang value, while those priced between RM500,001 and Rm1mil accoun­ted for 31.9% of the total over­hang.

Prop­er­ties priced between RM301,000 and RM500,000 have a total over­hang value of just Rm3.5bil, while prop­er­ties priced below RM300,000 are worth some Rm1.39bil. These two rep­res­ent some 24.8% of the total over­hang value.

For the ser­vice apart­ments, the total over­hang in units stood at 23,688 worth some Rm20.21bil as at end of 3Q22, with Johor alone account­ing for 62.4% of the total.

Most of these over­hangs in the seg­ment are prop­er­ties priced between RM500,001 and Rm1mil, which accoun­ted for two-thirds of the total unit num­bers and 58.9% in value of the total over­hang.

For the longest time, Napic had not shared with the stake­hold­ers the key under­ly­ing age­ing pro­file of this over­hang, and that has led to a mis­lead­ing status of the mar­ket’s over­hang status. It was indeed an eye-opener to see what the real over­hang has been.

For example, as seen in Table 1, the key over­hang is prop­er­ties (both res­id­en­tial and ser­vice apart­ments across the four key states) that have been part of the stat­ist­ics for the last five years and they account for between 51% and 93% of the total over­hang units.

For example, as seen in Table 1, the key over­hang is prop­er­ties (both res­id­en­tial and ser­vice apart­ments across the four key states) that have been part of the stat­ist­ics for the last five years and they account for between 51% and 93% of the total over­hang units.

In total, these prop­er­ties accoun­ted for a whop­ping 75.7% of the mar­ket’s over­hang status while prop­er­ties that have been in the mar­ket for the last three years are just over 5% from the key states.

Spe­cific men­tion must also be made on ser­vice apart­ments loc­ated in Johor, and those that are in the five to 10 years bucket, as they account for 26% of the total mar­ket over­hang.

In terms of prices, most of the over­hang is seen in the same five to 10 years bucket across the board and they alone account for 71% of the total over­hang prop­er­ties in the mar­ket.

As seen in Table 2, prop­er­ties below three years account for less than 5% of the total mar­ket over­hang. Spe­cific men­tion must also be made on ser­vice apart­ments that are in the RM500,001 to Rm1mil bracket and are in the five to 10 years bucket as they account for 25% of the total mar­ket over­hang.

In the cor­por­ate world, when one is up against data that is dis­tort­ing the real pic­ture, the proper thing to do is to see whether the data is still rel­ev­ant or oth­er­wise.

Clearly, look­ing at the age­ing pro­file of the prop­erty over­hang, those above five years will likely remain unsold for a fore­see­able future, mainly due to either being wrongly loc­ated and without the proper or good infra­struc­ture to sup­port com­munity liv­ing, or untouched by prop­erty buy­ers for simply being too expens­ive, espe­cially those bey­ond the RM500,000 price threshold.

Clearly, look­ing at the age­ing pro­file of the prop­erty over­hang, those above five years will likely remain unsold for a fore­see­able future, mainly due to either being wrongly loc­ated and without the proper or good infra­struc­ture to sup­port com­munity liv­ing, or untouched by prop­erty buy­ers for simply being too expens­ive, espe­cially those bey­ond the RM500,000 price threshold.

Hav­ing iden­ti­fied the issues, reg­u­lat­ors and prop­erty developers would need to come out with strategies to address them and to attract buy­ers to these prop­er­ties via a rehab­il­it­a­tion exer­cise and with a sig­ni­fic­ant price reduc­tion.

The bot­tom line is to remove them from the over­hang data.

Let’s call a spade a spade

So what is Malay­sia’s real over­hang? Based on the data presen­ted by Napic, one can take com­fort that over­hang is not as ser­i­ous as it is made out to be mainly due to a lack of data and proper ana­lysis in terms of what is real over­hang pre­vi­ously.

While those more than three years but less than five years are part of stat­ist­ics, we should redefine them as core over­hang while those bey­ond five years can be redefined as hard­core over­hang.

As we have been able to slice and dice these num­bers, the real over­hang is only per­haps less than 5% of the mar­ket in terms of the num­ber of units and value.

Napic could also help stake­hold­ers to under­stand bet­ter the prop­erty mar­ket data bet­ter by break­ing down the data points as an over­hang that is mainly due to gov­ern­ment hous­ing schemes and those that are privately built.

In this way, we could also see whether the gov­ern­ment’s inter­ven­tion is needed to boost demand for these obscurely loc­ated prop­er­ties.

For the private developers, most of these invent­or­ies would have been impaired as the like­li­hood of the assets being real­ised in full value or even at 50% to 60% of the mar­ket value is seen as low.

Private developers too ought to think out­side of the box on how to over­come the prop­erty invent­or­ies sit­ting in their books as being part of the stat­ist­ics only res­ults in paint­ing the wrong pic­ture for the prop­erty mar­ket as a whole.

By Pankaj C. kumar is a long-time invest­ment ana­lyst. the views expressed here are the writer’s own. 

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How Scientists Predict Where Earthquakes Will Strike Next

The pair of earthquakes that hit Turkey and Syria this week left the region grappling with death and destruction. Despite the region being seismically active, this particular area hadn’t seen an earthquake of this size for decades. There are ways of knowing where the next big earthquakes will happen. —but not when. Scientists use knowledge of fault lines and historical data to make their predictions, but saving areas from mass casualties often relies on infrastructure policies. Building codes that prioritize strong buildings can save lives, but older structures remain vulnerable.

Across the globe, in California, the health impacts of electric vehicles are beginning to be seen. A study published this month finds that for every 20 EVs in a zip code, asthma-related visits to the emergency room drop by 3.2%. This is a striking number for a technology that’s just now becoming more commonplace. Joining Ira to talk about these stories and more is Umair Irfan, staff writer at Vox, based in Washington, D.C. 


ChatGPT And Beyond: What’s Behind The AI Boom?

The past few months have seen a flurry of new, easy-to-use tools driven by artificial intelligence. It’s getting harder to tell what’s been created by a human: Programs like ChatGPT can construct believable written text, apps like Lensa can generate stylized avatars, while other developments can make pretty believable audio and video deep fakes.

Just this week, Google unveiled a new AI-driven chatbot called Bard, and Microsoft announced plans to incorporate ChatGPT within their search engine Bing.  What is this new generation of AI good at, and where does it fall short?

Ira talks about the state of generative AI and takes listener calls with Dr. Melanie Mitchell, professor at the Santa Fe Institute and author of the book, Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans. They are joined by Dr. Rumman Chowdhury, founder and CEO of Parity Consulting and responsible AI fellow at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University. 


ranscripts for each segment will be available the week after the show airs on

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