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Monday, 19 March 2012

Malaysia's household debt rise a concern

PETALING JAYA: While not an imminent danger, the level of household debt is of concern and warrants close monitoring, RAM Ratings head of financial institution ratings Wong Yin Ching said,

The nation’s household debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) had risen to 77% as at end-2011 compared with 69% at end-2006, and its household debt-to-GDP ratio was considered high when compared with other countries in the region, especially in relation to GDP per capita.

Wong was speaking to StarBiz after the release of the rating agency’s Banking Bulletin 2012. Home loans remained the largest component, contributing about 45% of the total household debt, she added.

However, unsecured financing in the form of personal loans and credit-cards had been growing rapidly, accounting for about 15% and 5% of total household debt, respectively.

Development financial institutions, cooperatives and building societies that offer personal financing facilities to civil servants under salary-deduction schemes contributed to the bulk of the growth, she noted.

“We view positively Bank Negara’s various pre-emptive measures implemented since late 2010 to rein in growth in household debt and safeguard the soundness of the financial system.

“On top of the tighter measures on residential property financing, stricter guidelines have also been implemented on credit cards, such as increasing the income eligibility criteria.

“We do not discount additional prudential regulations to be imposed in future,” Wong said.

Effective Jan 1, banks are required to use net income calculation method instead of gross income when computing debt-service ratio.

Wong added that unemployment rate was still relatively low at 3% and the credit quality of household sector was also healthy, with a low gross impaired-loan ratio of 1.8% as at end-January 2012 (end-2010:2.3%).

Nevertheless, she said the debt-servicing ability of households in the lower-income segment might be more vulnerable to economic down-cycles, greater variability in income and inflationary pressures.

On loan growth, RAM Ratings expects the overall banking system’s loan growth to taper to about 8% to 9% this year, after clocking in a strong 14% expansion in 2011. This is supported by a projected 4.6% real GDP growth this year, which is slightly lower than the 5% in 2011.

Private investments, she said were expected to remain strong, although a weakening in global demand would have some bearing on export performance.

Wong anticipates the central bank to remain accommodative in its monetary policy by maintaining the overnight policy rate at 3% with a downside bias in 2012, as preserving growth momentum would take precedence over curbing inflationary pressures.

While a more moderate household loan growth was anticipated due to the prudential regulations introduced, she added this would be balanced by stronger financing demand from the commercial and corporate sector from the rollout of projects under the Economic Transformation Programme and 10th Malaysia Plan.

For non-performing loans this year, she said the industry’s gross impaired-loan ratio was expected to be kept healthy this year, with a slight uptick to about 3% from the current all time low level of 2.7%.

“In terms of capitalisation, all the domestic, all the domestic banks were well poised to meet the new capital requirements under Basel III, of which the implementation would be phased in from 2013,” she added.

Although these new capital measures would elevate banks’ funding costs, which may in turn be passed on to consumers, it would ensure the banking sector was safeguarded against unexpected shocks, Wong said.

As at end-January, the banking system’s capitalisation was strong with a tier-1 risk-weighted capital adequacy ratio of 12.9%.

Banks’ profitability, she said had been on a steady rise over the last couple of years on the back of strong loan growth, benign loan impairment charges and growing fee income. However, net interest margins (NIMs) had been under pressure due to stiff price competition, particularly in certain loan segments such as residential mortgages.

NIM is a measure of the difference between interest income generated by banks and interest paid out to depositors.


Related post:
Malaysia's household debt on the rise

Politician Integrity the order of the day

Ceritalah By Karim Raslan

Aspiring leaders have to learn that to be elected into office is to be dutybound to one’s constituents — to be honest, scrupulous and morally good. 

WOMEN, Family and Community Develop­ment Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil has been a dynamic and forward-looking leader – a stand-out among the Umno line-up – and they will sorely miss her talents.

However, it would be incorrect to think that what she has gone through is an isolated or a one-off case. Nor is her fall wholly attributable to PKR’s director of strategies Rafizi Ramli. The young former chartered accountant is merely an agent of change in the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) saga.

In reality, the unravelling of the NFC debacle reflects deeper, global trends brought about by technology and social media – most notably the fact that we have entered the Age of Full Disclosure.

Dynamic leader: It would be incorrect to think that what Shahrizat has gone through is an isolated or one-off case.
In this respect, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are emblematic of these changes.

The Age of Full Disclosure has been a rude shock for Malaysia’s political elite.

In the past, Malay bangsawan culture – the deference and respect for figures of authority – emboldened our leaders to say one thing and do another. This is no longer acceptable or sustainable.

From now on, the Malaysian public expects leaders to do as they say. The unquestioning trust and adoration that once existed have disappeared. Technology has also freed up the mind.

Moreover, Malaysians are no longer fearful of the leaders as the last vestiges of the kerajaan ethos are swept away.

Of course, as Assange has discovered, being a whistle-blower is a very lonely business. Everyone is afraid of the man (or woman) who insists on telling the truth, especially when it’s highly compromising and/or embarrassing.

The point is that surviving in “the new political landscape” and “engaging the social media” doesn’t just mean setting up Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as hiring cyber troopers to blog for you.

It also means realising that information can no longer be controlled, and modifying your behaviour accordingly.

Malaysian politicians have to realise that nothing is sacred and nothing can be hidden anymore. The most seemingly innocuous comment or odd scrap of paper can, and will, be dredged up against you.

I’ve already said that it’s no longer possible for our leaders to present one message to another community and then say something else to the next.

So what is the solution for politicians?

It’s quite simple: Don’t run for office if your affairs (and those of your family and close associates) are not in order. Probity is the order of the day. Aspiring leaders have to learn that elected office is to be dutybound to one’s constituents, not a means to enrich themselves or their families.

This in effect forces politicos to be what we’ve always wanted them to be: Honest, scrupulous and moral in the public sphere. The only difference is that we, the people, now have the power to enforce this.

Indeed, the NFC scandal heralds a long-awaited power shift in Malaysia, whereby our elite families no longer monopolise the power to set agendas or deflect issues. Technology has inverted our social pyramid.

As I said, the double standards that Malaysia’s rich and powerful once enjoyed is no longer as pervasive as before. If they abuse the public trust and misuse the country’s money, the people can now turn on them with a vengeance.

It’s no longer enough for our leaders to say: “Trust me; I know what I’m doing and what’s best for you all”.

The continued fallout over the UK phone-hacking scandals and Rupert Murdoch’s travails should also be a warning to media practitioners that they will be subject to the same scrutiny as the politicians.

They too will be called to account if their ethics are not up to scratch or if they toy with the truth. At this rate, this tukang cerita would be better off as a rice farmer! We have been served a severe, but very timely, warning.

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Tech companies 'control the future of news'

Jon Dube, Forbes Contributor Digital Media Executive & Advisor 

Technology companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple “now control the future of news.”

That’s one of the take-aways from the 2012 State of the News Media report, released today by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism. The news industry, the report says, “finds itself more a follower than leader shaping its business.”

But I think there’s hope. The report touches on a number of opportunities for traditional media in the digital space – areas that are growing rapidly and still up for grabs. Those include targeted advertising, the mobile/tablet space, and digital video.

Winning in these areas will be tough, given the traditional media’s historical inability to rapidly evolve and the head start other companies have on them.


A good example is the fast-growing opportunity of targeted advertising, where Google and Facebook dominate and news organizations lag far behind.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) report points out that even though targeted advertising is one of the forms of online advertising expected to grow most rapidly, only a few of the top news sites use it.  Meanwhile, the report says, tech companies like Facebook and Google “are using personal data collected over the internet to direct ads to specific consumers to a far greater degree than ever before – and to a far greater degree than most news organizations are capable of.”

While Facebook and Google have taken the lead, news organizations could catch up, if they try. Most have the ability, and at least some data, that would enable them to engage in targeting. A PEJ study of digital advertising at 22 top news sites found that few of them do, however. Of the 22 sites, most did not contain any ads targeted to consumers based on their online behavior, according to the January study. Only three – CNN, The New York Times and Yahoo! News – employed high levels of targeting based on a user’s recent online activity. A handful of others employed limited targeting. (For more, see “Who Advertises on News Sites and How Much Those Ads Are Targeted.”)

While targeted display ads account for just 10% of local online ads, or $1.5 billion, right now, by 2016, they are expected to grow to $14.6 billion and make up more than half the market, according to Borrell Associates.


One of the bright spots in the PEJ report is the research on mobile and tablet usage. Readers spend far more time with news apps on the smartphone and tablet, visit more pages at a time, and return more frequently than they do on conventional computers, according to data from Localytics, a client-based mobile analytics firm. And most importantly, there are signs that mobile news consumption is actually increasing total news consumption – one report from comScore indicates mobile devices increase news site traffic by between 7 and 11 percent.

The good news is mobile and tablet usage are expected to continue skyrocketing. And the ad dollars will shift there as well. Mobile ad spending grew 89% in 2011, to $1.45 billion – and is expected to grow to $10.83 billion by 2016.

News organizations know this is an opportunity, and are investing resources in developing mobile and tablet apps and sites. Still, it’s not clear whether news organizations can capture these dollars. Google already earns more than half of mobile ad dollars in the U.S. and Facebook is expected to move aggressively into the mobile ad market after its IPO.

“Our analysis suggests that news is becoming a more important and pervasive part of people’s lives,” PEJ Director Tom Rosenstiel said, referring to the findings about mobile and tablet usage in particular. “But it remains unclear who will benefit economically from this growing appetite for news.”

RELATED: Mobile, tablet devices increase news consumption


Another big opportunity for news organizations is digital video, because video advertising earns much higher rates – and digital video viewing and advertising is expected to skyrocket in the next few years. While video advertising spend is only $2.02 billion now, it is projected to grow to $7.11 billion by 2015 — which would make it the most lucrative type of online ad after search and banner ads, according to eMarketer.

Despite that, video news and advertising still represents a small fraction of the content on most news sites, aside from those of major broadcasters. In a February PEJ study, none of the top stories on major news sites were in a video format — even on the sites of broadcast news organizations. Stand-alone video ads were also rare, making up only 1.3% of ads on the news websites studied.

The good news is we are starting to see increasing signs of life in digital news video. A few months ago Reuters launched a YouTube channel, dubbed Reuters TV, featuring 10 news shows. The Wall Street Journal has been one of the most aggressive newspapers in the video space, and is now producing more than four hours of video a day.  (Check out WSJ’s fantastic video app for the iPhone and iPad)

One of the more interesting experiments to watch will be The Huffington Post Streaming Network, an online news channel AOL plans to launch later this year that will live-stream news video 12 hours a day. (Disclaimer: I used to be the SVP/GM of News & Information at AOL but left last year).


As the digital world becomes more mobile, social and targeted, media companies still have plenty of opportunity. They will have the chance to to attract new audiences and dollars. The question is whether news organizations can move nimbly enough to survive, and thrive.

RELATED: How Facebook, Twitter differ for news consumption

For the latest news from SXSW and general insights on digital media, please follow me on Twitter at @cyberjournalist and visit for the latest digital media headlines.

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