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Monday, 18 April 2011

Malaysians of differing global views


Many Malaysian Chinese have aligned themselves with international trends and developments, especially as Mandarin has been transformed into a global standard challenging the English language.

AS the results of the Sarawak election trickled in on Saturday evening, it became clearer that nothing much was going to change. A solid Barisan Nasional government was returned, with Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud still in control.

Despite the early tweets and SMSes which flew around town implying Pakatan Rakyat was en route to forming the government, Barisan held on to its two-thirds majority, charging in over the last week, thanks to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak leading the campaign on the ground.

However, the victory confirmed one trend – racial polarisation, especially in the political sphere, is on the rise. Support for Sarawak’s Chinese party, SUPP, collapsed as the DAP made a near total sweep of the urban seats.

Of course, Malaysia has always been more an amalgam of tribes and peoples rather than a unified citizenry. We’ve retained our various ethnicities while also being Malaysian.

However, now the differences – especially across the racial divide – are becoming more pronounced, and there is a growing reluctance of the non-Malays to live with and accept Barisan’s version of the “social contract”.

Whether we realise it or not, the gap between us – especially the Malays and the Chinese – is steadily widening, despite our ability to still sit down and talk with one another over lunch or dinner, discussing heated issues such as education and corruption.

However, the common ground is fast disappearing, so much so that when we do talk – and I mean heart-to-heart – many in the Malay community are bewildered and exasperated by the seeming recalcitrance of the Chinese community.

Indeed, I’ve been asked many, many times: “What do the Chinese really want?”

Normally, I find myself answering by saying that I think it’s about dignity, equality and belonging.

Generally, I’ll add that the issues of language and religion will become less heated when we all share the same level of rights.

However, this is not a popular message and I can assure you that it’s difficult for many in the Malay community to accept such a proposition. Luckily, I’m not a politician.

More often than not, I find myself citing the example of the Indonesian Chinese and how, since having been given equal rights, they’ve become extremely proud of being Indonesian.

So what’s behind the hardening of the lines? Why are we drifting apart? Is there a way of bringing the communities back together once again?

First off, we need to acknowledge the extent of the gap between our different world views.

On the one hand, there is the conventional Malaysian Malay perspective which has been shaped by recent political history.

May 13 and the NEP are its totems, and these views have hardened over the years.

On the other hand, many Malaysian Chinese have aligned themselves with international trends and developments.

Mandarin has been transformed into a global standard – arguably challenging the English language’s hegemony, which has made the Chinese community far less isolated and more connected globally.

To my mind, there are parallels between the Malaysian Chinese’s retreat from Barisan and these differing mindsets.

They also suggest a fundamental shift in mood within the community – a shift which has been prompted by global events and sense of confidence arising out of the same events.

In the past, there was a sense of having no options and no alternatives – Malaysia, for better or for worse was stable, secure and safe.

However, times have changed and so have perceptions. It’s not that Malaysia is any less attractive, it’s just that there are now more alternatives.

Separately, the same story also applies for Malaysia as an investment destination – investors can afford to give Malaysia a miss, since there are now other alternatives.

We have to work so much harder to earn the returns we managed back in the 90s. Furthermore, the 2008 global financial crisis has shaken up the global balance of power between the East and West.

China is now the rising power, challenging the post-Cold War dominance of the US. Twenty years ago, Beijing and Shanghai were dingy backwaters.

Now, we are exhorting our children to learn Mandarin, and these two cosmopolitan cities are thriving with powerhouse banks and corporations.

Indeed, Malaysia is not separate and distinct from global trends. China’s extraordinary economic might and increasing global prominence is having an impact not just on our domestic economy but our socio-dynamics too. Similarly, with India.

Therefore, we need to embrace the change and the opportunities instead of rejecting them. Besides, we may have no choice.

Many fall for Aussie job scam

 Women swindle RM25,350 from 19 victims by promising highly paid work

By Ivan Loh, The Star/Asia News Network

BATU GAJAH: A chance to work in Australia and earn about RM9,000 monthly seemed too good a deal for a labourer to ignore.

It was, however, all a scam as a 26-year-old man from Batu Gajah, who only wanted to be known as Heng, found out when he was cheated of his money by two women.

Fong holding up the police report made by one of the victims of the scam at the Batu Gajah police station
Heng said he was introduced to the women who promised him a job as a sheep wool collector in Australia last month.

“One of the them, known as Ann, told me that I only had to pay RM1,650 as deposit for the airfare and they would find me a job there,” he said.

“As they were introduced to me by a friend, I trusted them and paid the money,” he told reporters after lodging a police report on Sunday.

Heng said that Ann later confirmed his flight on April 30. However, she subsequently informed Heng that his flight had been postponed to another date and he was told to wait.

Heng, a renovation worker, said he was later contacted by Ann, saying that the deal was off and his money would be refunded.

“I tried calling her again to enquire when I could get back my money but the calls went unanswered,” he said.

Heng said he hoped the police would look into the matter and pick up the two women for questioning.

“I only want justice to be served on these unscrupulous people. If I can’t get back my money, so be it,” he said.

Heng was among six people, accompanied by Batu Gajah MP Fong Po Kuan, who lodged a report.

Fong said she believed there could be more people who had fallen victim to the two women.

“I was told that 13 others had lodged similar reports earlier this month,” she said, adding that the two women had swindled about RM25,350 from the 19 victims.

“Most of them were promised jobs to work in factories, orchards and farms in Australia.”

Some of the victims were from Sungai Siput, Menglembu, Gopeng, Sitiawan and Chenderong, she added.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

When in trouble, tap family power

I REFER to “Ruthless Ah Long ‘hunting down’ families of defaulters” (The Star, Apr 13). My sympathies to the victim harassed by the Ah Long. She’s already 65 years old and still trying to earn a living selling vegetables.

Her adopted daughter owed the Ah Long around RM100,000. We have all heard how ruthless the Ah Long can be.

I remember the police ran a “Say No to Ah Long” campaign not long ago.

The various municipal councils have also acted by taking down illegal advertising banners and posters put up by Ah Long.

MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong has warned the public many times. I sincerely hope one will think thrice before taking a loan from an Ah Long.

During bad times like the current economic meltdown, financial difficulties arise and affect many.

It’s time to go home. Never underestimate the power of home. As one opens the home door, gradually one can see and feel the power of family.

One’s family members are pillars of support and strength. Family bonds cannot be broken. It runs in our blood forever from generation to generation.

Discuss things with them. Be open. Don’t keep them in the dark. They may be able to help.

Let’s go down the family tree. We see immediate and close relatives. They, too, may be able to assist. Another avenue will be approaching close friends.

Pride, ego and face are not important. Financial problem solving is.

One should never think negatively, that one will lose face or will be looked down on if one needs to borrow money from family members, close relatives and close friends.

Just be grateful if they are willing to help. It’s a crucial option.

One should never take the risk of borrowing from Ah Longs. What if one fails to pay? One can hide forever but what about one’s loved ones?

I recall the song You Are Not Alone. More heads are better than one. Being alone invites hopelessness and helplessness.
