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Friday, 11 March 2011

Can Asia go it alone?


Asia Alone: The Dangerous Post-Crisis Divide from America
Author: Simon S.C. Tay
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

OVER the past three years, we have seen a shocking decline in Western supremacy. The 2008 financial crisis brought about the collapse of Lehman Brothers, once a symbol of Wall Street arrogance. The eurozone is having trouble raising funds due to a lack of confidence in its stability. America is having trouble convincing its own people that they are able to rebound from this decline, let alone the rest of the world. Lest we forget, many Western powers are still involved in the war in Afghanistan that looks no closer to an end than in 2001.

It seems that there has been a shift in the global balance of power towards the east, with countries like China and India fast gaining influence in political and, more importantly, economical issues worldwide. However, despite bringing wealth and success to parts of the world that have long been neglected by the West in the past (Africa, South America and Asean for instance), their rise has brought about a new problem it could lead to a siege mentality, a method of thought motivated similarly by the ridiculous “with us or against us” phrase coined by George Bush during the War on Terror.

In fact, it is not difficult to see how Asian countries might come to such a conclusion. In Simon S.C. Tay's latest book, Asia Alone: The Dangerous Post-Crisis Divide from America, he argues that some of America's policies just before and immediately after September 11 have served to alienate many countries in the East, who now look to China and India for inspiration and growth instead of their long-time partner.

In addition to the negligence of America, Tay also states a growing togetherness among Asian countries (notably the Asean countries) in the final decade of the 20th century chiefly to create more opportunities and to combat Western arrogance and economic control. For instance, Dr Mahathir Mohamad is often remembered for his controversial policies, good and bad, the effects of which are still felt in Malaysia today.

However, at times, it is easy to forget that he often waged a one-man war against Western post-imperialism first by insisting on using Japan as a model of economic growth, and more importantly, by learning to say no to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout plan in 1998.

The destruction of Indonesian and Thai societies brought about by their acceptance of the IMF bailout, and Malaysia's subsequent recovery proved that the Western way is not always the best, and that Asian countries do indeed have other options available to them economically.

Another theme of Tay's book is American arrogance he states many examples, from the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Kosovo to bloodshed in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

However, perhaps the two symbols of American arrogance most relevant to this book take place, once again, in South-East Asia.

Al Gore's snub of Malaysian hospitality in Kuala Lumpur during Anwar's imprisonment and the “sight of IMF president Michael Camdessus, standing imperiously, arms folded, while President Suharto of Indonesia bowed and signed papers to accept IMF terms” goes to show further how America believed that, politically and economically, their methods were the best.

The once popular notion of the United States being the champions of the free world was beginning to erode to be replaced by the image of that of a bully, preying on the weak. It seemed for a moment that, during the Asian Financial Crisis and the war in Iraq, Asia burned and the one country with the capability to help decided to turn a blind eye.

Numerous books have been written on the rise of China and India as superpowers, so I will not dwell on it here. What can be said is that their rise has added more belief that Asia is able to go alone. Many barriers still exist to cooperation, not least socially, as many Asian countries still hold historical grudges.

Yet, the feeling is that somehow, we are more dependent on one another than ever before. It would be wise to thread carefully though. Despite bringing about a wealth of opportunities for the East, those who champion China's cause as the new global superpower should note alarmingly that, in the past, all competition between rising powers and the undisputed leaders at the time have led to armed conflict. In reality, China's ascent to superpower status is still highly dependent on American decline than it is on its own growth.

In November 2009, a little over a year after the fall of Lehman Brothers, President Obama visited Japan. In addition to calling himself America's first Pacific President', this time it was the President of the United States who bowed in respect to an Asian leader. If America indeed lost Asia over the last decade, it has signalled its intentions to regain its trust. The question is whether or not it is a trust worth having.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Obama says he was bullied at school

Obama says he was bullied at school
US President Barack Obama is pictured during an event to prevent bullying in the East Room of the White House in Washington, March 10, 2011. [Photo/Agencies]

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama smiled when he said his large ears and funny name once made him a target of school-yard harassment. But he was all seriousness Thursday when he told a White House conference on bullying that torment and intimidation must not be tolerated.

School bullying is not a rite of passage for youth, Obama said on Thursday as part of an initiative to change the way Americans perceive the dangerous behavior.

President Obama shared his own experience with bullying as a child.

"I have to say, with big ears and the name that I have, I wasn't immune," he said to laughter. "I didn't emerge unscathed."

Obama and first lady Michelle Obama addressed school administrators, teachers and parents at a White House conference on bullying prevention, where they launched the website

Speaking as a parent and as a victim, Obama urged everyone to help end bullying by working to create an atmosphere at school where children feel safe and feel like they belong.

"If there's one goal of this conference, it's to dispel the myth that bullying is just a harmless rite of passage or an inevitable part of growing up," Obama said. "Bullying can have destructive consequences for our young people."

"As parents, it breaks our hearts to think that any child feels afraid every day in the classroom, or on the playground, or even online," Michelle Obama said.

The conference highlighted public-private partnerships to address bullying, including initiatives by Facebook and the MTV music channel.

Some 13 million students, about a third of all those attending school, are bullied every year, the White House said. Experts say that puts them at greater risk of falling behind in their studies, abusing drugs or alcohol, or suffering mental or other health problems. Kids who are seen as different because of their race, clothes, disability or sexual orientation are more likely to be bullied.

Obama says he was bullied at school
US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama thank participants in an event on prevent bullying in the East Room of the White House in Washington, March 10, 2011.[Photo/Agencies]

Obama says he was bullied at school
US President Barack Obama speaks at the Conference on Bullying Prevention as first lady Michelle Obama listens in the East Room at the White House in Washington, March 10, 2011. [Photo/Agencies]

Changes aplenty in Malaysian cyber world

Friday Reflections - By B.K. Sidhu

Dr Mohamed Awang Lah is known to be very passionate about the the world of the Internet as nearly three decades ago he was the man who pioneered Internet service in the country.

Over the last few years he has been vocal about the need for an open access network. He feels Malaysia needs an independent network for all companies to use.

He has left Jaring, a company he was instrumental in building recently, but Jaring over the years has had its own challenges.

He may return to the corporate world, but “not at the moment.'' For now he likes his “free and easy'' life which allows him to unwind and watch “dramas unfold'' on the screens.

Succeeding him at Jaring is Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Yaacob, who is no newcomer to the industry.

Maxis Bhd will also see its strong woman - not physically but in terms of financial numbers - Rossana Rashid, leaving as her contract expires in May. She has been there for eight years and succeeding her is Nasution Mohamed, the former CEO/MD of Penerbangan Malaysia Bhd.

Changes are inevitable in the sector that continues to evolve at a fast pace. There is always a need for talent as people in the sector are often enticed to join rivals.

Changes are also happening at the industry's regulator. Some senior directors have retired and some others have been promoted. A reorganisation is said to be in the works to better align people to their jobs, and hiring to fill the gaps of those who have left and to meet demand as portfolios of some grow bigger.

Talking about leaving, late last year, even the most senior man - not in age - was said to have thrown in his letter. The reasons were not known but then some parties managed to talk him into staying.

Of late, the buzz is that Datuk Mohamed Sharil is back at the commission three days a week and would still remain advisor to the Minister two days a week. However, if you look at the organisational chart posted on the regulator's website, he still is the advisor and this has got the industry asking if he is back as COO.

The organisation chart dates back to December 6 and some of the senior directors who retired still have their smiling pictures on the chart.

That aside, talent management is a huge task but if someone has the expertise, foresight, and can execute, then he should be put to the test.

What and how the talent is managed at MCMC, it is up to them but the industry would like “some certainty and direction'' as they feel that “there is a growing period of regulatory unpredictability.''

This may have arisen as much of the focus last year was to get the broadband penetration levels to reach 50%.

That was achieved and “Syabas” to all those who contributed and pushed it through but in the process a lot of other things were apparently overlooked.

There is also lack of engagement between the players and the regulator and the regulator's role as facilitator is also diminishing.

The industry also wants answers, and fast answers like how long the 2.6G evaluation process will take, how and when the USP issue will be addressed, what is the status of the spectrum re-farming process, how the 700Mhz will be distributed and many others.

They also need clarity over the “digital lifestyle concept,'' as the last thing they want is “priorities gone wrong which leads to sheer wastefulness.''

So, basically what's next?
An industry as robust as the telecoms cannot afford to take a break just because decisions are slow to come by, delivery is not timely, execution is not well planned and thought through, and evaluations take forever.

Bear in mind that the Prime Minister has said umpteen times that Malaysia needs to transform into a digital economy as ICT is central to economic growth, so things should be done at super-fast speed.

And some companies need to plan, predict, invest and guide as their investors are not just local but global funds.

Whatever the uncertainly, it does not bode well if we want to attract investors, and again, if I were to take Singapore as an example, some people will shriek.

But a player did point out that “if you compare what IDA is doing versus us, there is a huge difference.''

So do we blame others if they say “we are back at the crossroads?'' Maybe we need to reshape and refine.

B.K. Sidhu is deputy news editor and finds Donkey' really comical in the Shrek series.